Rattler Families,
As summer closes, we are getting excited to begin the 2024-25 school journey. We hope that you have had a restful and productive summer. Changes and upgrades are going on around campus. Our maintenance crew has been working hard to get everything ready to receive our students. At the high school, we have added several new staff members to our program.
Mrs. Shelby, 7th and 8th ELA
Mrs. Staton, 10th-12th ELA
Mr. Miller, Band
Mrs. Dewitt, ALE
Ms. Higginbotham, Inclusion
Mrs. Vasquez, Counselor
Mrs. Stover, Secretary
Please help welcome these new team members.
With your support and the hard work of our staff and students, the 24-25 school year will deliver many significant accomplishments. Our athletic teams have been hard at work getting ready to win. ACT Prep was a success. Many of our students started their first jobs. Two of our young men are finishing Boot Camp.
Magazine High School is a special place. It is an honor to support this community and provide students with pathways to success.
Thank you for sending us your best.
Matt Binford, Principal of Magazine High School